28 September 2010

pj harvey - down by the water

the moment martin sold his chopper he became weed-nazi.
a word of warning to the kids out there!

japanese racing

pipes part 1

pipes part 2

engine of doom!

autopsy - tortured moans of agony

people keeps bugging me for more evo's, so here goes.
stolen from various places.
man i suck at updating this blog...

oh, and make a note in your calendar for 5th of march 2011!

autopsy - tortured moans of agony

people keeps bugging me for more evo's, so here goes.
stolen from various places

17 September 2010

shelter - here we go

robban usually sends me cool pictures of bikes he find around the web but i am too lazy to put them up here.
but as you see he got good taste so i will shape up.

16 September 2010

blitz - 45 revolutions

pretty nice

blitz - fight to live

plasterboards are funny to put up when you got proper tools.
but to be honest i would love to just sing and dance.
and be fucking jolly.

08 September 2010

im sitting in silence, listening to nothing

look at those jockey pegs!
imagine the riding position.

05 September 2010

holy fuck - casio bossa nova

this summer has been great!

03 September 2010

skrewdriver - streetfight

an amazing display of creativity and knowledge!
honda, harley and norton makes perfect.
from a-bombers old style weekend this summer.

my foot is pretty cool as well.

knutna nävar - hallå där bonde

this is the best panhead i ever seen.
the details on this bastard is crazy.
i mean it, this is the best panhead.
i have a bunch of pictures i have stolen if you want to see them.
pure perfection in my opinion.

01 September 2010

björn olsson - minnesstund

5 inch bore
2 inch intake valves
dual valve springs
dual super b carbs
yes - scary things are happening somewhere around here
this build will most likely take some time to complete but when its done you will shit bricks!