27 April 2010

cream - born under a bad sign

cream - strange brew

im ashamed i haven posted this before, i simply forgot.
bleket dirt trackers dives into a new build even before the panhead is running!
some lucky happenings brought some parts together and the eyes of the wizard saw potential where everyone else saw crap.
this is the first mock up, many things has changed since then and new pictures will be up later for sure.

20 April 2010

tool - the pot

100% cool!

tool - 10,000 days

i have been home from work for two days now, my stomach is acting up weird. i dont like this shit. (pun intended)
what i DO like is this bike though.

17 April 2010

the keyword is silence

outside oil swamp mc.
i bought or sold nothing at their swap meet some weeks ago. still i was nice to see their place. it was pretty damn cool.
out of respect i didnt take any pictures inside, but the outside was pretty interesting too.

i cure headache with silence

cold empty silence at the moment

the volvo pv 544 is one of the best looking swedish cars.
spotted at backamo veteranmarkand some hours ago.

no music, just silence

i just got home from veteranmarknaden at backamo. as usual it is a wide variety of things to buy, from 40 years old welders to stickers, stolen tools to toys etc. this year it was a bit smaller then it uses to be, around 300 sellers i think.

still i found and old fender and some strange light of some sort, please enlighten me if you know. the problem i have now is if i should use this fender or the one i bought some months ago.. opinions?

11 April 2010

bosse bildoktorn - 10 januari

misfits - bloodfeast

1940 glory

side note: do you remember the time when misfits didnt suck ass?
man was they great once!

liberator - angel of death

10 April 2010

the partisans - police story

the cardigans - sabbath bloody sabbath

blueneck - revelations

if only denmark was close enough i would go there and the next day go back and never return, keeping my mouth shut i ever was there.

seriously though the guys over there really redefine the whole bike building concept for me. would love to go there and check out the stuff for real, but i know im way too lazy to make the journey. so i'll wait for someone else to post pictures on some blog so i can re-link them from mine.
thats how i roll.

04 April 2010

the black keys - have love will travel

this weekend i made some really stupid decisions and the song i currently listen to describes it quite well. kind of.

the black keys - work me

skinny puppy - knowhere?

also a big part of my youth.

01 April 2010

mr. bungle - platypus

ok this has to be the tightest bar ever? japan, i dare you to come out with anything narrower! if you do, you are invited to beaver manor and i will give you something from my yard. this is sick!

tomahawk - honeymoon

a little bit of red

jakob - everything all of the time

jakob - safety in numbers

i fucking knew the nazis was on to something!
big foot captured at the soviet tundra around 1945.