last summer was pretty nice. but the day
bangalos mc was going to hold their show the rain was crazy. on the way home i couldn't twist the throttle to fast or the engine would choke/halt. i guess there was water getting through the air cleaner or something, so when i picked up speed i didn't really want to back off.
that resulted in back wheel sliding dangerously and i leaned over the bars to try give extra pressure to the front wheel to get me through the deep water canals going all over in the road without the front wheel acting up. dont know if thats the right move but it felt good at the time and it worked. i seriously never experienced that much rain ever.
i was angry and keen to get home fast and try dodging the bad cold that was about to get me. doing 130 km/h on a 50 km/h road and seeing other motorcyclists watching & pointing at me from their hide out under petrol stations roofs was pretty fun though :) i think i can be pretty happy i didn't crash that day. it would had been messy, and riding alone on that deserted road wasn't smart either.